Please confirm that Your are of the 21+ legal age to work in the cannabis industry in their jurisdiction and meet the necessary requirements to apply for jobs through this Site and Employers have to confirm that they are licensed and compliant with all the laws in their jurisdiction.
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The Cannabis Job Board is where people go to find cannabis jobs and get hired and where employers go to find and hire exceptional talent within the cannabis industry.
For Employers
The Cannabis Job Board is an online jobs and hiring platform where employers can brand, find, pre-screen, interview, post screen, check references, and hire the very best hemp, marijuana, and cannabis talent. Our innovative talent search and hiring technology will help you build quality, high-performing cannabis teams, with synergy, and in record time.
For Professionals
The Cannabis Job Board is an online jobs and hiring platform where professionals looking to work in the cannabis industry can showcase their talent, connect with employers, find a job, talk to a recruiter directly, land an interview, complete all pre-screening requirements and get hired – directly on the TCJB platform.