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Baltimore County Is In The Process Of Creating A Framework For The Implementation Of Recreational Cannabis.


Baltimore County is actively preparing for the legalization of recreational marijuana in Maryland on July 1. The county is currently working on developing the necessary systems to support the implementation of recreational cannabis sales.

Julian Jones Jr., the chair of the Baltimore County board, explained that the county aims to align its regulations with the state's requirements. This will enable eligible facilities in Baltimore County to take advantage of state licenses for selling recreational cannabis.

To accommodate the new regulations, the county plans to update its existing Medical Cannabis Act to encompass recreational sales. This will involve amending provisions in the county code and zoning regulations.

Pete Guwald, the director of Permits, Approvals, and Inspections, clarified that the focus is on removing medical terminology from the current code and zoning regulations and adopting a broader "cannabis" designation.

Regarding permitted areas for dispensaries, the county will largely maintain the existing regulations. Cannabis dispensaries will continue to be prohibited from opening within 500 feet of schools or daycares.

However, to align with new state guidelines, the required distance between dispensaries will be reduced from 2,500 feet to 1,000 feet.

Council members expressed that there are still many unanswered questions surrounding the transition from medical to recreational cannabis. They acknowledged that the state's progress in implementing new regulations may be faster than the county's preparedness at the local level in certain aspects.

The final reading and vote on the bill are scheduled for June 5, when further decisions and actions will be taken to facilitate the legalization of recreational marijuana in Baltimore County.

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