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Incoming Pro-reform Governor Could Heighten Pennsylvania Cannabis Legalization Prediction As Democrats Obtains Majority In House


After Tuesday’s election, Pennsylvania Democrats have won enough seats to take control of the House—a progress that could have key implications for cannabis reform in the state, where the recently elected governor supports legalization.


Although votes are still being counted for two more House seats as of this writing—Democrats are currently just one shy of a 102-member majority in the chamber—the party will assert victory nonetheless. In the meantime, Republicans will keep the power of the Senate, with a 28-22 majority, the GOP says.


However, one can be vigilantly positive that the political change in the House considerably improves the odds of accepting cannabis reform.


Up till now, support for reform has stalled because of Republicans in the Keystone State with them holding majorities in both chambers. Few GOP lawmakers have supported reform bills, as leadership is the biggest obstacle. 


Because of the recent development, there is a strong push for legalization in the 2023 assembly.

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